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Wilhelmina Creations



Regular price $10.00 USD
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Full Program

Mentorship with Wilhelmina live on Zoom for 30 minutes, to receive guidance on your personal journeys. Goal is to help elevate your awareness, focus and vision towards your life, relationships,  work and family life. In addition you will meet in group settings live and receive recordings of guided journeys/meditations. 

The live mentorship and weekly live journeys will take place in Zoom. Journey duration 15-20 minutes

Live mentorship days and times will be scheduled with you personally. 

Single sessions are available to order.

Live meditations take place each Monday at 7pm CST, in Zoom. 

Recordings of the daily journeys/meditations will be send to you in audio format daily before 9am CST, and will be available for 24 hours.

AAA - Mentorship once a week, duration 30 minutes, live on Zoom: $200 per month

AA - Mentorship Bi-monthly, duration 30 minutes, live on Zoom: $100.

Days and times will be scheduled with you personally.

A - Monthly daily meditations, 4 live and 25 recording: $250

Live meditations take place each Monday at 7pm CST, in Zoom. 
Recordings will be send to you in audio format daily before 9am CST, and will be available for 24 hours.

a - Weekly daily meditations, 1 live and 6 recordings: $65

Live meditations take place each Monday at 7pm CST, in Zoom. Recordings will be send to you in audio format daily before 9am CST, and will be available for 24 hours.

Full packages:
IAAA - 4 Weekly mentorship & daily meditations for a month; $425

IAA - Bi-monthly mentorship & daily meditations for a month; $325

Ia - 1 Week worth of daily meditations & one personal mentorship appointment; $110



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